New Jersey Training Services

Our mission is to provide guardians in Jersey City, Hoboken, and Union City with the tools they need to understand their dog's behavior and to educate them on actions they can take to limit any fear, stress, or discomfort their dog is experiencing.

  • Basic Manners

    Young or old, it’s never too late to start working towards positive behavior change. Through Basic Manners training you will learn how to teach your puppy or dog necessary life skills.

  • Behavior Modification

    Dealing with behaviors rooted in fear, anxiety, or aggression can be emotionally and physically exhausting. We can help you get to the root of complex behavior issues.

Meet Your Trainer

Erin Whelan, CPDT-KA

Having spent a decade as a chronically underemployed freelance musician, Erin was inspired to become a dog trainer when she adopted her dog Oliver. The relationship the two formed through rewards-based training brought them closer together and now, Erin works to help other human-dog teams find the same joy. Erin seeks to improve inter-species communication and loves coaching her clients on how to use their “trainer brain” to find useful training scenarios in their everyday environment. She specializes in addressing fear, anxiety, aggression, leash reactivity, resource guarding, and cooperative care. When Erin is not teaching your dog how to ride a skateboard, you can find her horizontal on the couch with her own dog Oliver who still inspires her everyday.

Service Area: Jersey City, Hoboken, Union City

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